⚔️ Proxy command

This command starts a local Velocity proxy server that redirects to the specified server. It is especially useful for testing if a server is vulnerable to the IP Forwarding issue.

The proxy server currently comes with 2 included plugins.

⚙️ MCPTool-Velocity

This plugin comes with 3 included commands. The /username to change your username, /uuid to change your UUID, and /connect to connect to a specific server. These commands are useful for testing various vulnerabilities in a network's port.

🔑 AuthMeVelocity-Exploit

This plugin comes with 1 included command that allows you to execute an exploit in the AuthMeVelocity plugin ←= 4.1.1. The exploit lets you log into any account on the server without knowing its password.

📍 Forwading mode

The second argument of the command specifies the Player Information Forwarding method to be used in Velocity for forwarding player information to the backend server. The methods include LEGACY for compatibility with older versions, MODERN for secure data transfer, and NONE, which completely disables forwarding, preventing any player information from being sent to the backend server. More information can be found here.