FakeProxy Command

Starts a local Velocity proxy server that redirects to the specified server, but with a significant difference. This proxy uses my plugin RFakeProxy, which logs all connections, messages, and commands sent by players.

Additionally, it replicates the data from the original server to impersonate it. This method has gained popularity in recent years as a technique to access administrator accounts.

When a player connects through the MCPTool fake proxy and is then redirected to the real server, you can see and log all details of their activity, including their login commands and passwords.

Furthermore, you have the ability to send messages or execute commands on the accounts of players who have passed through this proxy, giving you complete control over their interactions.

Fakeproxy Modes

The second argument of the command is the same concept explained in the previous command, where you can choose the Player Information Forwarding method. However, in almost 100% of cases, you should use the none mode.

Where does it work?

It works on non-premium or semi-premium servers, but in this case, only users who don't have automatic login enabled will be able to connect.

How to use it?

To use the fakeproxy command, you need to follow the steps below:


Execute the command

You can use this command for example to start a fake proxy server.

fakeproxy none

Select how the data will be updated

The fakeproxy can work in two ways: in the first, it obtains the data from the destination server in real time every time it receives a ping; in the second, it updates the data of the target server every 3 seconds and the applications automatically.


Select how the protocol will be managed

The fakeproxy allows two options to manage the protocol: the first uses the same protocol as the backend server, allowing only a specific version; The second uses the client protocol, allowing any version to enter the proxy, although only those compatible with the backend server can access it.


Expose your Fakeproxy with Pinggy (optional)

In case you have enabled the pinggy.io option, you need to copy the command mentioned below to create a pinggy.io tunnel on the fakeproxy port (if the ssh connection asks for a password, leave it blank). Then copy the full URL generated by pinggy and put it into MCPTool.

ssh -p 443 -R0:localhost:33330 tcp@a.pinggy.io

Admin Key

To execute administrator commands in the fakeproxy, you first need to copy the admin key generated by MCPTool. Then, enter the fakeproxy and paste the key into the Minecraft chat. This will grant you the necessary permissions to use administrator commands within the fakeproxy server.

FakeProxy Admin Key


Send: Allows you to execute a command or send a message from the account of a user connected to the fakeproxy. This gives you the ability to interact with the server on behalf of the user, performing actions or sending messages as if you were the player.

List: Displays the list of players connected to the fakeproxy.

Help: Shows the available commands.

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